Monday, August 27, 2007

Anyone Can Make a Comment Now

I'm sorry if anyone tried to post a comment and wasn't able to because of the settings. I didn't realise I'd limited comments to only those who are registered with Blogger. I'm really sorry about that. Comments should now work for everyone! Thank you to all those who have left comments, I do appreciate everyone of them.

I'm as sorry as this bunny is for eatting all those carrots! hehehehe

1 comment:

MAIZEE said...

Hello, It's Maizee. I decided to just write here as I know you'll get this. When I write a longer comment to anyone I feel a little guilty and wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I can't help myself, I just talk too much. I did get your reply at my mile-a-minute post but had trouble answering back. For some reason that I don't understand my message to your jedimaster address site came back undeliverable. I wonder if our electronic communications don't click with each others(I'm not very smart about these things.) About my e-mail, I didn't have it checked to be viewed at my blog, so I did change that. You should see it now.

Glad you enjoy my blog. Did get a chance to visit yours and enjoyed reading about your interests and seeing your work. I'll be checking it out to see what your doing in the future. Post some more pics of your bunnies and the ones of your supplier. I have never seen a bunny like that one, What pretty fur and cute faces. We both togeather have a large variety of interests. Your jewelry is beautiful. That's something I have never done. I do have some friends that make jewelry and I am amazed at the pieces they make. It's like I don't have that talent to pick the beads, etc., design a pattern and then make something. I do use beads and sequins in making Christmas ornaments, using kits and designing some of my own. I'm starting on some again that I didn't finish last year(UFO's) I'll post pics of those, as I finish, at my blog later on.

Again, I think we all need a variety of things to do. I don't know why but we just can't help ourselves.I know I keep buying things for new projects that I don't always finish the first time around. More like after working on them a second and even third time. And I know my crochet afghans will go on and on, in between other projects. As long as we like what we're doing and we finish it sometime that's what matters. It just feels good to create. Just look at all the pretty jewelry you finish.So your allowed to have UFOS.