Sunday, April 27, 2008

Doing it Old School, First Step: Wash Fleece

My house mate and I are back at it, that is making felt from ABSOLUTE scratch! and all by hand. I got some more fleece from my uncle's farm, this time the fleece is from a ram, which my uncle says is better quality. One thing it is is cleaner than the last stuff we got which I can now see was like D grade. We haven't done much else other than wash some of it, we have to get the carder back from the Steiner school and rent a whole heap of DVD's to watch while we spend hours carding the fleece.

Drying in the sun. Oh how Australian!

I haven't actually made anything for myself as yet but this time round I would really like to dry felt some little mice like I saw on another blog. Please forgive me I have forgotten which blog the image came from but I acknowledge that these mice are someone else's idea that I would like to copy for myself and not commercial reasons.

Are they not the cutest things you'd ever seen?! I want to put little glasses on mine and make three like the three blind mice.


Emily Dorchak said...

oh my goodness! how cute! i love thoseee. whered u get them? (the Mice)

Michelle said...

Hi me again, they are cute mice (even though I hate mice and rats.... eeeewww!). What does 'carding the fleece mean? I've read this term used so many times on blogs but know nothing about 'fleece' process for spinning or felting or whatever.
Michelle xxx